
On this page you can see reviews of Langgaard festival.

Quotes from review in the magazine Klassisk by Jeppe Rönnov

Dausgaard Langgaard festival

“The annual Langgaard Festival experiments like few other festivals in the country – with genres, instrumentation and concert venues.

The Langgaard Festival is always a wild affair with a packed program. Also this Friday night in Ribe, which did not end until close to the midnight strike of the cathedral bells.

Dausgaard’s instrumentation is not only an image of something central to Langgaard’s work but also quintessential to the Langgaard Festival itself: That you should not be afraid to use music in new constellations, and that by pulling and twisting the strange man’s music, new insights or renewed musical realization can arise. Also in the music of other composers.

A blast of a concert – almost literally – entitled ‘Rage’ (Rabia), where Dausgaard sharpened the violent contrasts and angular motifs, and let the brutality stand out.”

-Jeppe Rönnov

Quotes from reviews in Ryk Ind, Ribe

“Happiness is Rued Langgaard Festival. The old composers may be long gone – but those of us who are still breathing can still enjoy the reverberations. Not least the special atmosphere that arises when people, earth and sky meet by chance.”

– Anette Brøchner, Ryk Ind, Ribe

About Langgaards Morgen

“Langgaard’s Morning Symphony was published in 1947-48. A time when everything was changing and there were many expectations for the future.
Modernism was slowly awakening.
Diversity and inspiration from other countries and cultures blended into the everyday lives of Danes.
Some loved it – others were unsure and felt provoked.

Maybe it was some of the diversity that mixed with the lovely morning atmosphere and nature this morning? There are just some things that never change. Luckily. Sunrise, morning coffee, the day dawns. After the concert, the organizers were ready with delicious Langgaard kringle and hot coffee. Life is a morning gift, the soul is a pilgrim choir.”

– Peter Lindgaard, Ryk Ind, Ribe

Quote from Facebook review

“THANK YOU: You have brought to life a festival that abounds with music, beauty and community. And that delivers experiences, enlightenment and perspectives on the human life that we all have in common. It’s a significant achievement – and the kind that I’m convinced a better and more sustainable future is made of 💚”

– Kim Hjerrild