About Langgard company

Become a member of Rued Langgaard Selskabet by contacting
you to the Company Secretary:

Become a member

Click here

Board of Directors

Click here


Click here

Access or discount to Company events

Membership costs DKK 175 per year, DKK 280 per household or institution.
Students can become members for DKK 80 per year.

Membership entitles you to free or discounted access to Company events, newsletters and publications distributed by the Company .

A party pass for this year’s festival gives you free membership of the company for 1 year if you are not already a member.

Birgitte Ebert

Cathedral organist

Board of Directors

Dagmar Warming

Chairman of the Board

Birgitte Ebert


Other board members

Philip Schmidt-Madsen
Gabriella Bergman
David Danholt
Torsten Hoffmeyer
Mathæus Bech
Signe Asmussen


Bendt Viinholt Nielsen
Thomas Dausgaard
Esben Tange
Birgitte Ebert
Henrik Rørdam
Asbjørn Rønn-Simonsen

The festival is supported by

Generous Foundations, Sponsors and Cultural Institutions