
The competition is for conservatory students – singers, string players, pianists and organists – from the three Danish classical conservatories.

The aim of the competition is to stimulate awareness of Rued Langgaard’s music in the professional Danish environment and give talented students concert experience.

The winner of the competition receives DKK 25,000 and will play a concert at the Rued Langgaard Festival in September in Ribe.
2nd prize is DKK 15,000 and
3rd prize is DKK 10,000.

The Langgaard Competition was held in the Concert Church and St. Mark's Church in Copenhagen On the 4th and May 5, 2024.

The winners in 2024 were:

  1. Prize: Marie Borup and Stefan Macovei, vocals/piano
  2. Price: Ari Hammer Joensen, organ
  3. award Jule Husballe Hansen and Sonja Honkamaa, vocals/piano

Congratulations to them all

Who can participate in the Langgaard competition?

Singers, pianists, string players and organists who are enrolled as students at the Danish classical conservatories in the following programs: Bachelor, Master and soloist class and students at the Opera Academy.

There is room for up to 16 ensembles and soloists among them:

  • Pianists – solo piano, lied duo and violin/piano duo
  • Strings – violin/piano duo and string quartet
  • Sangere – song duo
  • Organists
  1. Pianists can compete in solo piano, lied duo and violin/piano duo categories.
  2. Violinists can perform in both violin/piano duos and string quartets.
  3. For ensembles, up to 50% of the performers must have completed their education within the last year.
  4. The selection of competition participants is carried out by teachers at the Academy in collaboration with teachers at Langgaard Masterclass.

Awards and prizes

  1. Price: 25.000 + concert at Rued Langgaard Festival 2024
  2. Price: 15,000
  3. Price: 10,000

Sign up for the competition:

Registration deadline for the competition is April 12, 2024.
Fill out the the registration form and send it to the project manager of the competition Helle Lund Rosborg.

Mobile: +4522683090

What is the repertoire?

There is a free choice of works from the repertoire lists below.

There is no distinction between 1st round repertoire and 2nd round repertoire and there are no mandatory pieces.

For all participants, works played in Round 1 may NOT be repeated in Round 2.

How does the Langgaard competition work?

  • Round 1 has a maximum of 16 participants/ensembles.
    Duration per participant/ensemble is 12-15 minutes with repertoire from the repertoire list.
  • The 2nd round is the Final.
    Duration in the second round is:

a) 15-20 min.
for voice-piano duo, solo piano and organ.

b) 20-25 min.
for violin-piano duo and string quartet.

  • All participants/ensembles must select works from the repertoire list.
  • The 2nd round can reuse material from the 1st round, but must also include new material from the repertoire list.
  • The final has a maximum of 6 participants/ensembles.
    Of these, there are 3 winners.

Who is on the jury?